Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you all had a great week! It sure was an unbelievable one here in KC! If you haven't heard/seen the Royals are headed back to the World Series to take on the Mets! Hopefully Marty McFly is wrong about who wins. #RoyalsForever
It has been a pretty chill week for me. I've been working on school and counting down the days till my trip to Nashville. Speaking of if you've ever been or live there let me know what the best places to eat, see and do are! On Wednesday I headed down to Westport to Julep KC for The Blog Guild's Fall Happy Hour. I got to see and catch up with my blogger friends and meet some new ones! On Friday I wasn't feeling very good so I stayed in bed pretty much all day and caught up on my fall TV.
Overall it was a pretty normal week. School, blog and home stuff. Nothing too crazy or wild.
I've got LOADS of links on this week's Weekend Reading list so let's jump right in!
This is the cutest and clever Maid of Honor speech ever!
Check out the most Instagrammed spot in your state! To all my Manhattan friends, K-State was the winner for Kansas!
I've watched this clip a million times and it never seems to not get funny! I can't believe this actually happened.... on national television! Haha!
The brief history lesson of makeup. The best and worse makeup moments in history.
I love the color camel for fall and this camel coat and dress look on Kate is stunning!
Huge congrats to Lauren on getting engaged! And what better place than Hawaii! Check out her Maui travel guide. Serious wanderlust/wedding fever now guys.
So on board for the color of the year for 2016.
Needing some super cute new baseball gear to show off Royals pride? Check out Hello Big Idea's ADORABLE KC shirt!
Who says Halloween can't be glammed up? Such a fun, glamorous costume look! I mean you can never go wrong with sequins. #AmIRightLadies?
Helpful tips on how to take Instagram's like a lifestyle blogger
Camel, red and leopard. yes, yes, yes!
You guys know I love my white jeans for summer. I loved Mary-Katherine's tips on how to transition them to fall/winter! The white jeans live on!
Kate is one of my favorite bloggers and Instagrammers. Seriously everything is beyond chic/stylish/cute. Can I be her friend?
Hi uhm Carly and Garrett are one of the cutest couples ever! They're serious #Goals.
Yeah I did NOT look this cute and put together while roadtripping to California.....
Currently obsessed with this song.
Plaid on plaid! Love this plaid skirt x scarf combo. It screams fall!
"Screw finding your passion". A must read for any blogger, creative, 20-something or someone just needing some life guidance.
What you missed on 'of life and style':
Prep School // An A+ fall outfit
Arm Candy // How to create the perfect stack
Fall Shoe Roundup // Sharing my favorite fall shoes
Night Two of KCFW // Recapping my favorite designers of the night
There you have it! A full list of great links and fall worthy outfit inspo! Hope you guys and enjoyed it!
What have you been loving this week on the Internet or social media? Leave me a comment sharing! :)