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The Insurance Mandate is back and more severe than ever

So The Hill reported that the Senate added a clause to the Health Care bill today.
If you have a lapse in coverage for more than 63 days your not eligible for coverage at all for 6 months.
The House version charged you 30% more on your premium.
These are to replace the tax penalty the AHCA had that was cited as the 'Coverage Mandate' that Republicans said was bad ad they wanted to repeal.

Now no one likes the mandate but to be fair to insurance companies without a requirement young and healthy people, especially men are less likely to get insurance.  That would mean insurance companies have more sick people and fewer healthy people they an bill and so profits would go down.  In fact it might very well be unsustainable at all.

However the 63 day requirement shows just how out of touch the GOP really is.
Most employee health insurance does not kick in till 90 days, plus there is the time your looking for a job.  So if you lose a job or even quit one to take another (say a promotion with a new company) this means you will likely have no insurance for at least 6 months.

How is this better for Americans?"
My suggestion is to combine both of those so people have the option of a 30% hike in premiums or wait 6 months.  The republican party said this was to give us more choice right?

Frankly Medicare for all or Single Payer looks better and better the more the GOP talks,

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