Bonus project! So I was looking over my case while putting the recently completed Chaplain in his new home, and I noticed that I had basically completed this Librarian. He was originally painted as part of my new Blades of Vengeance successor chapter force. Some may recall that I had originally planned that ll my Primaris models would be Blades of Vengeance. But that decision came before GW decided that Primaris were going to be OK after all for Dark Angels (I recognize that this is still up for debate among some members of the chapter...).
Now that I have decided to paint some of my Primaris as Dark Angels, this was the librarian model that got chosen for the chapter. The Phobos Librarian will now belong to the Blades of Vengeance. Looking at this model, all I had to do was repaint the shoulder pads and add a Dark Angels chapter badge. So that was done and her I have a bonus addition to my new Primaris Dark Angels force for very little additional effort.
Here we have the newly painted Dark Angels shoulder pad with new Chapter transfer applied.
It sure was fun painting in the Dark Angels green on this Librarian shoulder pad. I didn't want to have to repaint the gold, or the scroll. In the end, it came out pretty well.
Standing proud in all his purple glowing force-ness. I'm still getting used to that, but I like that there is something different here than with the standard power weapons I've been painting. The glowing eyes and hand are just a bonus to help carry the point. So one last complete for the Dark Angels before I move into my Squaduary 2021 project.
Stay safe out there.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!