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What if..

Kerplonk adv.
Pronunciation key

To fall with a sound like that of a heavy object falling rapidly into cheap or inferior wine

Pronunciation of a down sydrome kid for keropok

Imagine a down syndrome kid just going " I want some KERPLONK ! " Okay lah , its abit mean but its still funny . At least to me it is.

HAHAH ! Its not really a word , you wont get it dont worry. Anyways, back to the main topic.

Have ever wondered the very possibilities of life .. alot times in life we asked ourselves.. What if.. this? What if.. that? Hahahah well , Im not here to give you a lecture on life but instead have you ever wondered how'd it feel like if you knew a porn star? No lah , dont think of anything perverted Im just wondering how .. funny it would be I mean imagine telling a friend " Hey I saw you in the video last night *winks*" that'd just be funny . Or imagine if you were about to have a drink with your friends and she decides to tag along and we you arrive your friends whispers very silently to you ears " Hey .. isnt that the..? " and you just nod you head . HAHA okay lar maybe Im not making any sense here but I just thought it'd be a rather funny situation. No , Im not a pervert .. okay maybe just a little bit but this is out of good clean humour.

Or what if , I could like in some way die for a day .. and be revived the next and be able to see the aftermath of my death . I mean I've always wondered since I was just a little kid , how'd it feel like to be dead? If Im dead , am I just dead or will I ascend to the after world? and also how would anyone react to my death ? I had this kinda , weird thought about having cancer or something . I mean wouldnt it be an eye opening exprience to be on your deathbed? To know who cares and who dont and to see who would come and visit . Hahah , okay lar maybe I AM a little bit weird but hey , no one is perfect Im sure at one point some of you have had one of these weird thoughts too.

Or perharps , what if I never existed? How would things be different? Would it be the same , or did I leave huge impacts on life ? Did , in any change or affect anything ? Would things be better if I never existed or would it be worst? Have I in anyways made anything different? Yes lah , I know its pointless but its fascinating just to think about it

Okay lah , before I crack my head with these dumb questions . Im gonna go get some sleep .

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