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Unit 31:
Unit code: QCF level: Credit value:
Food Safety Management
F/601/1822 5 15


This unit will enable learners to gain understanding of the systems and processes required to produce safe food, and the management activities and controls required to achieve this.

Unit abstract

Customers have a right to expect safe and wholesome food from all the industries within hospitality. Whether from a five-star hotel, an outside event or a sandwich bar, safe food should be the norm. This unit starts by defining food safety and its importance to hospitality industries and their customers. The science and principles of food hygiene are then explored, together with the main causes of food poisoning, contamination and spoilage. This knowledge is applied to the study of the systems and processes to produce safe food. The practical application of food hygiene principles, and their monitoring and control, provide an important focus within this unit. The unit concludes by considering the responsibilities of management and the controls necessary to produce consistently safe food within the relevant legal framework. Learners will develop an understanding of food safety and hygiene principles. They will recognise the importance of them to the hygiene systems and processes that are needed to produce safe food. Their learning will be underpinned by analysis of the importance of risk assessment and quality control systems. Learners will be able to construct systems and apply them, and their understanding of food hygiene, to different situations within the hospitality industry. They will also consider the role and responsibilities of managers in the production of safe food within the requirements of the current framework of food safety legislation. Through this unit, learners will develop a clear understanding of the work managers need to do to ensure that they exercise the ‘duty of care’ they have to their customers for ensuring food is safe to eat. The development of analytical and problem-solving skills is an important feature of the unit.

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Unit content

LO1 Understand the agents that cause food-borne illness and the contamination of food

1. Understand the agents that cause food-borne illness and the contamination of food Bacteriology: main bacteria of concern – salmonella, clostridia, listeria, E. coli, campylobacter, staphylococcus; toxins; growth conditions; characteristics; incubation and onset times of illness Physical contamination: explanation of physical contaminants; prevention of physical contamination; methods of control Chemical contamination: types of chemical contaminants; prevention of chemical contamination; methods of control Food poisoning: causes; symptoms; duration Food-borne infections: difference between food-borne infection and food poisoning; agents of food-borne disease; sources of contamination; prevention measures High-risk foods: foods that are most likely to cause food poisoning

LO2 Understand the processes that can effectively prevent food spoilage and preserve food quality

2. Understand the processes that can prevent food spoilage and preserve food quality Food spoilage agents: bacteria; yeasts; moulds; enzymatic activity Food preservation methods: high and low temperatures; chemical; physical Special processes to prolong shelf life: irradiation; ultra-violet; vacuum-packing; controlled atmospheres

LO3 Understand the importance of effective prevention systems in the control of food contamination
Menu planning and product development (Unit 25)3. Understand the importance of effective prevention systems in the control of food contamination Temperature control: delivery; storage; preparation; defrosting; cooking; cooling; reheating; service Storage: methods and types of storage; storage controls eg humidity, cleanliness, labelling, stock rotation, best before and use-by dates, cross-contamination Personal hygiene: legislation related to personal hygiene; protective clothing; crosscontamination; notification of illness; personal hygiene through training Cleaning and disinfection: definition of detergent, disinfectant, sanitiser, sterilant; storage and use of chemicals; Control of Substances Harmful to Health (COSHH) regulations; modes of action of cleaning materials; design, implementation and monitoring of cleaning schedules Pests: types of pests in food establishments; methods of entry; signs of infestation; control and monitoring; private contractors Design and construction of premise and equipment: systems approach to designing premises; importance of barrier control; legislation requirements; cleaning considerations Training: levels; methods; refresher; how to monitor the systems employed

LO4 Be able to construct control and food management systems

4. Be able to construct control and food management systems Control systems: supplier safety assurance; audit trails; risk assessment; good manufacturing practice; compliance and control records Food management systems: Hazard Analysis and Control of Critical Points (HACCP); system construction; implementation; process flow diagrams; monitoring and evaluation; staff training; Safe Food Better Business (SFBB) Legislation: Food Safety Act 1990; The Food Regulations 2006, Food Labelling Regulations 1996, Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs; revised or replacement legislation where applicable Agencies: Food Standards Agency; Health Protection Agency; local Environmental Health departments; role of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP)

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes
Understand the agents that cause food-borne illness and the contamination of food Understand the processes that can prevent food spoilage and preserve food quality Understand the importance of effective prevention systems in the control of food contamination Be able to construct control and food management systems.

Assessment criteria for pass

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
The learner can:
LO1 Understand the agents that cause food-borne illness and the contamination of food
 1.1 discuss the controls required to prevent physical and chemical contamination of food
1.2 compare the characteristics of food poisoning and foodborne infections
 1.3 discuss how food-borne illnesses can be controlled

LO2 Understand the processes that can effectively prevent food spoilage and preserve food quality
2.1 categorise the food-spoilage agents that affect food
2.2 discuss methods of food preservation
2.3 evaluate the effectiveness of food preservation methods

LO3 Understand the importance of effective prevention systems in the control of food contamination

3.1 discuss the key steps in a temperature control system
 3.2 summarise methods for the safe storage of food
3.3 evaluate the importance of personal hygiene in the control of food contamination
3.4 evaluate cleaning and disinfection as a process supporting safe food production
3.5 assess the problems associated with pest control in food premises
3.6 justify the need for hygienic design and construction of food premises
3.7 justify the importance of training as a quality assurance mechanism

LO4 Be able to construct control and food management systems

4.1 produce a food hazard risk assessment
4.2 complete a food safety control system
4.3 devise a food safety guide for legislation compliance


This unit provides and can be linked successfully to a wide range of units. For example:

Unit 5: Food and Beverage Operations Management
Unit 15: On-Licensed Trade Management
Unit 22: Cellar and Bar Operations Management
 Unit 24: Brewing Science
Unit 25: Menu Planning and Product Development
Unit 26: Planning and Managing Food Production and Beverage Service
 Unit 29: Creative Patisserie.

This unit also links to the following Management NVQ units:
B2: Map the environment in which your organisation operates
B8: Ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements
E5: Ensure your own action reduce risks to health and safety
E6: Ensure health and safety requirements are met in your area of responsibility
 E7: Ensure an effective organisational approach to health and safety
 F12: Improve organisational performance.

Essential requirements
Regular access to the Food Standards Agency and the Health Protection Agency websites is essential for information, current trends, training resources and news items. Learners must make use of current news items related to food safety or food poisoning outbreaks as case-study materials. Learner access to a food production facility will be invaluable and will allow the application of theoretical aspects to a realistic situation. Case studies must be used to support this aspect of the unit. The provision of digital temperature probes, a food storage labelling system and copies of Safe Food Better Business would further enhance the learning experience.

Employer engagement and vocational contexts

Some council environmental health departments offer Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to tutors, including shadowing during site inspection visits. Environmental health practitioners may also offer a free service as guest speakers for particular aspects of this unit. Food safety affects all hospitality industries: hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs, contract food service providers, hospitality services, membership clubs and events. Opportunities to assess real food operations are invaluable. Local operators may allow site visits to enable learners to evaluate food production processes. Operators may also wish to demonstrate their own HACCP and control systems to learners. Industry experience for learners, related to food safety, must be explored with local operators, in particular large and multi-unit operations, for example in-flight catering companies or restaurant chains. Placements with local environmental health departments can help those learners who may wish to work in environmental health or progress to study the subject at degree level. Due to the need for legal compliance, this unit is seen as essential for those who are likely to have the management responsibility for the provision of food in hospitality industries.

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