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Trivia Newton-John #13

Are you ready for a holiday edition of Trivia Newton-John? All 3 questions will pertain to a staple of holiday TV viewing for over a decade, the Andy Williams Christmas specials. The rules are simple: be the first to put ALL the right answers in the comments section and you get an award to place proudly in your sidebar.  Good luck!


We have a winner! The Footwashin' Rock Baker has answered all three correct. Collect your award, sir. Well played.

For everyone else, even though you're a bit too late, I encourage you to try your hand at the questions. I don't post the answers (they're in the comments section) so that you can try to get them yourself.

Question #1: What is the name of the kid the arrow is pointing to?

Question #2: Who did this woman murder? Give his full name.

Question #3: From left: Bob, Andy, ______ and Don. Fill in the blank.

When someone gets all 3 answers correct, I will give the winner the TNJ Award and, if you've got a blog, I'll post a link to it.

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