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Remembering Shannon

Remembering you Shannon on your birthday and sending our love to your mum Kim, dad Paul, Cassie and Kyle xx

If Only
If only I could see you again,
To ease the hurt and numb the pain.
Just to hold you for a little while,
Hear your laugh and see your smile.

But your time with us was oh so brief,
And you left us alone to deal with our grief.
You coped with so much for one so young,
But you'd had enough and now you're gone.

And one day soon the hurt will ease,
We'll see you again in Heaven, please.
So we'll have to go on with our lives I suppose,
We will always remember, Shannon our rose.

Just one more laugh and one more smile,
Just one more hold for a little while.
Just one more day without the pain,
If only we could see you again.

I saw a dragonfly today,
It stayed a while then flew away.
Shannon came to say hello
I still love and miss you so.

Photo taken by my Dad.

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