It's been an interesting week with most of the family going down with various forms of coughs and colds and two of the grandchildren requiring visits to A&E for treatment. I'm coughing and snuffling but at least we have all had negative Covid tests.
This weeks output has been the two regiments of foot you see below for Graham, one Royalist and one Parliamentarian. As usual I enjoy painting the Pig castings. Added the hanging match and the collars to the white coats this morning and they are all just waiting for varnishing later. IN addition I have added 6mm French cuirassiers, another Greek battalion, Russian Guard cavalry and a second British Guard infantry Regiment over the last seven days. I'll have a break for Christmas now before staring on more 20mm figures for John.
Below: more Highlanders on the go yesterday, should finish them off today. Also I have had some issues with the very thin plastic bases I have used with some warping and basing texture peeling off here and there. With close to 1000 figures painted so far I need to decide what to do about it. I peeled off the two Guard regiments to play with a couple of ideas and must admit that I still like them like this. I'm not keen on using 2mm MDF as they just look a bit chunky to me with 6mm figures so the jury is out and I'll make my mind up over the coming days. Any suggestions are welcome.