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McDonald's moment of truth

Of course that headline draws attention, how could it be avoided? Judge for yourself:

McDonald's launches study into flatulent cows used in its burgers

This is what I would call a good and informative headline. A discerning reader could derive the following facts (at least) from it:
  1. McDonald's folks are environmentally conscious and they care.
  2. McDonald's are using actual cows in their burgers. All them skeptics and cynics that claim otherwise should be ashamed of themselves.
  3. The cows McDonald's are using are flatulent. Or, at least, some of the used cows are. Not being an expert in anything that happens to a cow before the burger gets to my plate, I am not sure whether it's a special breed used for McDonald's burgers only or some general phenomenon.
In any case, as a layman where cows and most other animals are concerned, I can think only of one remedy for this case of the greenhouse gas emissions:

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