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Matron's Container Veggies

 I am so happy with my new container veggie garden.  My South facing London courtyard garden has been coming on leaps and bounds.  I think the sheltered nature of it means that these courgettes are fairly well ahead of most others.  This one above is a Romanesco Courgette from Seeds of Italy.
 This climbing Black Forest courgette is a great way to save space in a small garden, they will climb up a trellis! I have interplanted them with Blauhilde climbing French beans. The beans will climb up the climbing courgette which will climb up the trellis!
 I can't believe the size of my broad beans either!  These are just Masterpiece broad beans but they are 5 foot tall already! This is the South facing wall, so I am growing most veggies here.
 Also very pleased with the plastic potato planters.  I have been earthing them up gradually to the top of the container and keeping them well watered.  Time is coming now, I think, for a little peek.  The Rocket new potatoes should be just about ready.
 I bought some grow bags and some metal plant supports for the tomatoes here.  I can tie all the canes together for additional support.  Lots of sunlight here in the middle of the garden so they should do OK if I can keep them well watered.
 and I didn't think my rhubarb would do as well as it has done in the first year after lifting and dividing crowns from my old allotment.  I suppose they might have needed dividing, and I did give them a lovely bed of rotted manure here.  This is a West facing wall so it gets mid day and afternoon sunlight.
 Right next door to the rhubarb on this South West corner is my Tayberry.  I transplanted this one from my old allotment too.  A Tayberry is a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry.
Lots of flowers and fruit forming here, the bees are loving it.

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