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Yeah, I know. I am late getting a post up this morning. But see, sweetthing poured a mug of jumpstart down me, saw to it that I took my regiment of gotdam pills, and drug me out the door to work.

We finished planting the hedge bushes..but looks like I am three short and will have go find some more. I also took a look at my driveway..or what is left of it. It came another one of those Noah's ark type rains last night and washed out another yard of pine bark. So looks like I have my day cut out for me.

We are going to the mulch place and get a couple of yards to spread this afternoon late and I reckon it will be a couple of yards a day until I get it patched up again. at 30 bucks a yard this gets into my pocket money..damn. Probably gonna take at least six yards and maybe eight.

It wasn't bad out this morning. I worked up a sweat pretty quick and there was just enough breeze to make the 85F air feel cool. The toughest part was working out thye kinks from the work I did yesterday. I was sore all over..driving them damn bridge spikes into timber is not my idea of a good time..if I am gonna have to work I would much rather be using those muscles to pull in a 40 pound grouper out of 150 feet of water.

Looks like the site meter will turn 200,000 some time today if you good people keep coming by..I do thank you and I promise a prize for # 200,000. I will write a 200 plus word essay on any subject you choose..even if I have to do some research to write it. So, y'all come back, heah?

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