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Defenders Dialogue: Odin's Eye-Patch

New Defenders #126 published this thoughtful letter and editorial reply concerning a scene with Odin and Valkyrie from #122 and upcoming limited series spotlighting other members of the Defenders.

Dear Gang,
DEFENDERS #122 was fantastic but (there's always a "but", isn't there?) I did find a Major Mistake. On page 15, panels 1 and 2, where we see Odin consoling the Valkyrie, one would notice that the All-Father has an eye-patch on his left eye. But we all know the eye-partch goes over his right eye (it even says so in MARVEL UNIVERSE #8).
But never fear. I have an explanation. Odin's visual image to Brunnhilda could have been like a trick-photographic image in which all things are reversed. Therefore, the mixed-up eyepatches. This does entitle me to a No-Prize, right guys? Guys? Guys?
Kevin Pfluger
Cherry Hill, NJ
P.S. Having the Gargoyle in his own mini-series would be excellent! How about Iceman getting one, too?
Iceman's getting one, Kevin — courtesy of the creative team that brought you this very issue of THE NEW DEFENDERS: J.M.DeMatteis and Alan Kupperberg. Look for it some time in '84. And, yes, Kevin, the No-Prize is on the way. We were inundated with letters from irate eye-patch watchers and yours was the only one to offer a solution. Thanks, pal — we really needed you on this one.

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