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Cast Hellbender!

It has come to my attention that a number of you do not visualize our favorite farrier, Hellbender Hungerford, the same way I do. So I've been considering doing a new picture for him to reflect how you all see him.

Which is interesting, because out of all the characters I had to describe to artists, he was probably the hardest for me to put together. I mean, I see him in my head clear as day. Conveying him to someone else is evidently a bit more tricky.

We're wanting to do a hardcopy version of the first hundred chapters, and I'd like to perhaps consider re-creating Bender's picture a bit for that.

So if this were a movie or television show, who would you cast to play Bender? Feel free to leave comments in the comments section so I can see what's inside your heads. If enough of you like him the way he is, I'll leave him alone. Otherwise, we'll see about maybe changing him up a bit.

Thanks for the feedback!

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