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Triduum at our house

It's been a lovely Triduum (Easter weekend) thus far, though a bit unusual because of Shadow, the new puppy, who is settling in quite nicely, though I think it will take us a while to get the house training down and done...

Thursday evening, Lee and I went to Holy Thursday mass in our parish, and I really enjoyed the music. Michael, the man who played the guitar, is one talented guy, and the people singing with him sang very well.
Hundreds of people participated in the 33rd annual Good Friday outdoor Way of the Cross walk in downtown Edmonton on March 29, 2013.
Friday morning, Lee, Christina and I helped to sing at the Outdoor Way of the Cross, which is always a most moving celebration in the inner city. It links the sufferings of Jesus to those faced by refugees, immigrants, the homeless, and others who are pushed to the margins of our society, and it reminds us to reach out because they are not strangers, but our brothers and sisters. I love this photo, taken by The Edmonton Journal's Larry Wong.

Friday evening, we held our annual Taize Prayer Around the Cross at Providence Renewal Centre... and it was so beautiful, the tears came to my eyes on more than one occasion, making it a little tough to see guitar chords! Where I was sitting, the sound was so rich and beautiful (6 guitars, two flutes, and four, five, or six part vocal harmony) that I frequently had goosebumps. As one of our flutists commented, it was like we were singing to God, and God was singing back.

This afternoon is egg-dyeing and general happiness because the long season of Lent is over, and all that's left is to celebrate new life!

This evening, we will attend the Easter Vigil celebrated at our sister parish (Christina is singing with the music group there) and hear the seven stories of salvation history, the epistle, and the Good News gospel that Jesus is still alive and among us, especially when we love one another.

And tomorrow, R&R, family Easter supper, and hopefully some chocolate...

As my little Happy Easter to you, click here for the only Easter story I've ever written, still one of my favourite things that came to me from out of the blue (from that creative and Holy Spirit, I'm guessing). I like to reread it at least once a year, to remind me that the Christ we are celebrating can be found anywhere, anytime!

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