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Thursday Thirteen - My Beliefs

Since this is a new blog, I thought I'd do a kind of getting-to-know-you type of post for this week's Thursday Thirteen.


1.  I only believe in unconditional love for babies and animals.
2.  All children deserve a happy childhood.
3.  I believe in the golden rule.
4.  The Beatles are the best musicians in rock history.
5.  I don't believe in censoring my kids' music, tv, books or movies (to a point).
6.  I believe in the power of antidepressants.
7.  I don't believe in heaven and hell.
8.  Because I am an atheist (sorry, Mom!).
9.  The ocean is Nature's most awesome gift to mankind.
10. Books/words and music are mankind's most awesome gifts to ourselves.
11. The husband-wife relationship must come first; once the kids are gone, you've only got each other.
12. Mel Gibson is an asshole.
13. My family is more important to me than anything else.

See more Thursday Thirteen participants here.

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