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The WWE Is Ruining... Jeff Hardy

I’m not a big Jeff Hardy guy, but even I admire how this guy has become a legend in the sport of professional wrestling. His latest run has been fine but a bit uninspired and a knee injury last year may have ended the Hardy Boyz run in the WWE.

I’m not sure how Jeff’s contract will work with the injury, but Matt seems to be on his way out, just two years after debuting at WrestleMania a day after having a crazy ladder match against The Young Bucks in Ring of Honor. That return was probably their high point, but Jeff managed another title run before his knee injury and a US Title run in between. The guy is definitely still relevant, but his body has taken some massive abuse so hopefully an easier schedule is in his future.

So what’s the best path to go with Jeff Hardy? Honestly, it’s time for him to take a step back and just be an older guy that can put on good matches. They’ve been doing something similar with Rey Mysterio, and I don’t even know if Hardy needs as much success as Mysterio. He brings big name power and can still put on good matches, especially with the emotional investment people have in his career. Sure, let him beat some lower level guys and maybe the occasional upset to get fans excited, but when it comes to your top talents coming in from NXT, have them get the big win and use it as a catapult into the upper echelon of WWE Superstars.

I know that doesn’t sound like an inspired solution, but I do think it is what’s best for WWE, and giving Hardy a lighter workload is probably best for him as well.

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