Words by worth and nothing death
to ease the pain of fake breath,
the turning tide which never ends
seeking cliffs of life begins
What is the worth of this one life? Essentially, it is pointless. To us, in the moment, at the concurrent second of our experience, it seems to be the only ‘which is’. To all other perspectives, it is of ever decreasing value. So the view appends more distantly, so too does the value.
We, ourselves, naturally find our existence be of the highest level of importance. The assumption is placed upon its inevitability. At certain contingent times, when our spiritual limits are put to the test, we may reckon than our individual existence may be extinguished to support the gathered ‘whole’. In times of war and sacrifice this is evident.
At such times we bare witness to the ‘all’ which gathers within the self. We know that, though our particular interest fails, those we can never experience may gain even a moment of respite from the suffering which travails them.
This momentary experience is equivocal to total enlightenment. Total enlightenment may be experienced by any being, so long as it contains a mind of selfless detachment to its sense-experience. The center of this experience, germinating outwards, is the Vector of Being. As the Vector of Being grows, so too does the awareness of self.
The ‘Vector of Being’ is the space in which an experiential creature is witness to its own existence. It is the subjective reality through which you experience everything in your life. This state of mind is undefinable from outside it’s own existence. That is to say, we can only infer the existence of minds without ourselves. The necessary quality of the Vector of Being is that such an experience springs from a material quality.
‘Vector of Being’ has no central axis, except for that axis which is initially experienced in every moment. As the Sense-experience continues to upend itself endlessly, so too does the Vector of Being adjust itself. It is a scale which resets tare with each measurements it makes, against the previous weight, and in its use measures all things.
The scales of morality are the tools which the Vector of Being uses to define its purpose, and its gradient. There is no definition for these. Morality is never a solid bedrock, but through the ages transforms at the whim of a thousand Vectors. Those Vectors witness themselves and playfully dabble at a concept of an Initial Vector which places before them a concrete example which resets all Tares.
This is an illusion, as such an immutable Morality is again another measure by which the Vector of Being resets itself.
Each new life which experiences a Vector of Being, with its own rules and ideas about how it conceives and creates its subjective reality. The religious and the scientific. The liberal and the conservative. The fascist and the anarchist. Each exist in a universe apart from the other, which no reconcilable similarities.
Whence does an immutable reality come? From a holy book? From outside? We’re born into life with no knowledge. Can a planet with but a single living creature hope to attain enlightenment without external interference?
A conscious an awake god would bury the rules for existence within the very fabric of itself, so that the aspirant may look at any thing and discover its true purpose. The rules for attainment may be seen anywhere, with no special purpose, available to all. A free source enlightenment.
Luckily, we live in such a universe.
With no other tool than our eyes we may witness the cycles of the universe, and the rules by which is governs itself.
The coyote eats dead flesh and shits.
Ten thousand shits make a pile of rotten dirt.
Rotten dirt is food for plants.
Plants grow, scatter seeds, and are eaten by herbivores. Herbivores range, scatter seeds, scatter shit, till the land.
Plants grow in their shit and sustain other herbivores.
Herbivores are eaten to nourish the coyotes.
So too are their corpses, and the corpses of such therein.
On and on and on. No mystery. The most simple of all can see this truth. Never it is necessary to ask the proof of a truth so fundamental.
So too are the rules of the cycles of existences, of life, of love, of morality. They are plain to see, and any eye who wishes to look upon them may find it without trouble.