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Random Thought Thursday

Today's quote is from Mohandas Gandi.

I have no idea when I first became aware of Gandi. No doubt I heard his name at home from time to time, as I heard so many names. No doubt I read about him in high school.

I chose this quote today, because we are approaching the 63rd year of the anniversary of his death on January 30th.

Why is it the Peace Makers always seem to be the ones who are assassinated, killed, tortured, maligned...?

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.

Could anything be more simple and more difficult? Don't I find myself fairly regularly getting mad or peeved or upset or annoyed at someone, something? The object is to aim for the goal, as the journey itself will always contain moments of frustration. The object is to recognize my reaction, to become conscious, and, in those moments aim at purifying my thoughts.

What about you? Are you an act-er or react-er? In the midst of reacting, can you stop yourself and change your attitude/reaction? Or do you muddle along and deal with consequences later?

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