Where to begin??? I am uploading videos now, so be looking for them. But Over all, I had a great day with a completely unexpected finally. I came to the tournament with very low expectations for my performance, and in game one drew one of the toughest opponents there. We drew, and I only gained 10 points. So I thought that was going to be the end for me, but after my last two games, I realized I was in position to maybe score in the top three. I will write about those games seperately. When Bobby was announcing the final three, my name did not come up in 3rd or 2nd, so I figured some one tanked me on Sportsmanship... and almost fell over when my name was called for winning the entire thing! After a first round draw left me at the very bottom of the upper tier of players, (every one below me on the list lost game one) I came back to win Best Overall! Oh, and I added a nice trophy to my loot collection, along with some sweet store credit at Thewarstore.
It came down to several factors:
Army List
If you want to win major tournaments, you have to have a firm grasp of all 4 of those subjects. That is for another post as well, but I will say that it was my sportsmanship and painting that won the day for me! So allow me to write up some batreps and do some uploading, I have 4 gigs of video to process.
Some interesting results:
40k in the 5th dimension scored again Jwolf!
I won best overall
Fritz won 3rd overall.
Black Matt won (deservedly) best painted with his Imperial Fist Terminators
A fellow blogger who came to the tournament after reading Fritz's blog won Best General and the Bishop Slayer sword!
Another blog reader who made the trip down, a younblood, won 40 bucks of bases from my store and a free painting video download! I donated some stuff to the BFS as prizes.
Dan Matulich, probably one of the smartest and best players at BFS, won 2nd overall. I thought he had a lock on 1st but I think a disgruntled opponent tanked him on sportsmanship points, which is bull crap because he is the nicest guy you will ever play against. He is also a very sound technical painter. His models look fantastic and he is a better highlighter then me. But I think I have the edge on the artistic side of painting which made the difference overall because of my hand painting.
Ok, well, more to come. As always, I will add some video to this post once it uploads. Jawaballs!