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"Larry Brom Memorial Gaming Weekend at HMGS-South's Recon 2016"

Good day hive,

A group of us are planning to run a memorial gaming event for Larry at the upcoming HMGS-South Recon 2016 convention in Orlando Florida from 28 April to 1 May. The weekend will feature no less than (7) games based on The Sword And The Flame and its variations. Please see the list below for the games and game times. I have left the GM's names off to protect the innocent...LOL

If you are interested please check out the HMGS-South's website for details. Last Stand Dan and I will also post various tidbits on our blogs about our planned games. Do check out Dan's blog as you will see some of the amazing pieces in his Sudan collection, most notably his Awesome custom made gunboats!

"Larry Brom Memorial Gaming Weekend at HMGS-South's Recon 2016".

Thursday night:  The Village, a "The Sword in Africa" scenario  from TSATF 2000 Scenario Book.
Friday AM:  The Mine, a "The Sword in Africa" scenario  from TSATF 2000 Scenario Book.
Friday Afternoon:   TSATF - 1917 "With Lawrence at Shahm”
Friday Night:  San Juan Hill - TSATF - Spanish American War
Saturday AM:  The Battle of Newtonville - ACW - The Sword to Secession
Saturday Afternoon:- TSATF Sudan - "River Operations In The Sudan".
Saturday Night:  The Patrol - a take off on a NWF Gunga Din scenario from TSATF 2000 Scenario Portfolio.


Historical Miniatures Gameing Society South.

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So I have to say that the last two gunboat battles were a lot of fun.  Both Colonial Barracks V and at our Colorado Military Historian (CMH) club meeting a week a...

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