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B/X House Rules

The House Rules are coming!

Here's the house rules I'm thinking of using for my budding French vanilla B/X campaign.


  1. HIT POINTS -- Reroll all HD upon level up. If total is higher, take the new number. Reroll 1's.

  2. DAMAGE DIE = HIT DIE -- Characters use their Class's HD to determine the damage they deal. For example a Fighter deals 1d8 damage with any weapon while a Magic-User would deal 1d4. 

  3. CRITICALS -- Max damage is dealt on a natural 20, 1’s are an auto-miss.

  4. AAC-- Ascending Armor Class rules are used. 

  5. HELMETS -- Grant +1 AC and costs 10gp. 


  • CLEAVE -- Whenever a Fighter eliminates an enemy in melee, they may immediately make another melee attack against another enemy within melee range. If this attack also kills an enemy, they can attack again, and so on.

  • SHIELDS SHALL BE SPLINTERED -- The fighter may sacrifice their shield to negate an incoming attack. Make a Save vs Paralysis to succeed, a fail means damage is taken as normal. Must be called before damage is rolled. [As seen here]

  • TURN UNDEAD -- Can only be attempted once per combat encounter. Clerics of Chaos may attempt to subjugate undead instead of turning and can control a number of total HD equal to their level.

  • SCROLL PRODUCTION -- As seen here.

  • WEAPON RESTRICTION -- Based on in-game religion.

  • STARTING SPELLS -- Taken from OSE Advanced Fantasy Book.

  • SCROLL PRODUCTION -- As seen here.

  • WEAPON RESTRICTION -- N/A. See Damage die above.

  • REACTION ROLLS -- M-U's are a strange, suspicious lot. -1 to all reaction rolls when you have one or more magic-users in the party.

I'll update this page as I add or remove rules and may leave a comment to state what was changed.

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